
We Are excited to meet you!

GUMC youth engages all students in discipleship to love radically, live differently, and serve consistently as faithful followers of Christ.


Sunday Mornings:
Confirmation Class: 6th Grade
Journey: Middle School
Trek: High School Meets at 9:30 am in the Oasis located in the OLEC

Sunday Nights:
Element: 6 pm – 8 pm in the OLEC


Tuesday Morning Prayer Breakfast
6:30 am at The Pavilion behind Houston High School

Wednesday Nights:
Synergy: Middle School 6 pm – 7:15 pm in Prescott House
Synago: 7:15 pm – 8:30 pm in Prescott House

Stay in the know with GUMC Youth!

Youth Calendar


Chloe Granberry

Director of Middle School & Confirmation

Caasi Grove

Director of High School Ministries

youth event registration links

Germantown United Methodist Church
Germantown United Methodist Church
Germantown United Methodist Church


How do I️ get my kid signed up for confirmation?

Email Chloe Granberry for information

Can my kid bring friends?

Always, yes!