Germantown United Women in Faith

Our Mission: We seek to connect and nurture women through Christian spiritual formation, leadership development, creative fellowship and education so that they can inspire, influence, and impact local and global communities.
Who We Are:
All women are welcome to participate in Germantown United Women in Faith events. If you are looking for the camaraderie of Christian women, fellowship while serving others, and the opportunity to make lifelong friends, consider participating in our events or joining one of our many Circles (small groups).
For questions contact GUWF Membership Chair,Chesley Porteous.
2024 – 2025 GUWF Executive Committee
Stay in the know by Subscribing to GUWF E-blasts
2024-2025 GUWF Brochure
We love gathering in fellowship and service, and we invite you to join us! Please see a listing below of our events in 2024 and 2025 HERE
GUWF Resource Library
Book Donation Form
We are fortunate to have many program resources and books available for self-checkout in our GUWF Library, which is located in Room 231 in the Chapel wing of the church.
In addition to materials for small group programming, books on a wide variety of topics including biographies, current events, devotionals, home and family, missions, the modern-day church, and societal issues, as well as children’s titles, are all available to members of our unit.
To donate a book in honor or memory of someone for use in our GUWF Library, simply download and print THIS FORM
Women’s events
GUWF May Luncheon
Tuesday, May 6 | 11:30 am | Mike Wilson Fellowship Hall Speaker: Sarah Sutton, Director of Germantown United Methodist...

GUWF’s Children’s Consignment Sale is a semiannual community outreach event and fundraiser established in 1989 at Germantown United Methodist Church. Its purpose is to support the mission projects of Germantown United Women in Faith while uniting the church and community through an organized and affordable shopping experience that reflects the love of Christ. Please contact us with any questions HERE