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Project Transformation Luncheon
You're Invited to attend our Partners in Transformation Luncheons! Enjoy a complimentary lunch and hear stories of transformation as we raise support for the mission of Project Transformation. Memphis Luncheon - Thursday, April 10th at 12:00pm at Germantown United...
Lent & Easter Schedule
VBS volunteers needed!
Join us for a week of fun and fellowship during True North Vacation Bible School. Volunteers are needed for station leaders, station assistants, group leaders, and group assistants. Adults and youth (entering 7th-12 grades) are welcome! Click below to register before...
Children’s Sunday School
Join us for Sunday School each week from 9:30-10:30am. Children birth through pre-kindergarten meet in the Hamilton Nursery, directly across from the sanctuary. Children kindergarten through 5th grade meet in the Huddle, room 240, up the ramp past the sanctuary. Both...
Spring Prayer Vigil
April 10 - 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Will take place in the Chapel
Easter Services
Sunday, April 20 6:30am – Youth Led Sunrise Service (Trinity Center in McVay Gardens) 8:30am – Traditional Worship in the Sanctuary 11:00am – Prism Contemporary Worship in the Owings Life Enrichment Center 11:00am – Traditional Worship in the Sanctuary Join us as we...
T-ball Registration
Co-ed, 4’s, 5’s, and 6’s. Calling all 4, 5, & 6 year olds! T-Ball registration is OPEN! Games begin at end of April and the season lasts for 6 weeks. Cost includes uniform, league fee, end of season party, and medal or trophy. REGISTRATION DEADLINE is March 29th!...
Children’s Ministry Spring/Summer calendar 2025
Lots of fun and engaging events are happening for kids of all ages at GUMC! Check out our calendar and get a quick link to our open registrations.
Coffee with the Pastors
Sunday, March 30, 9:30-10:30 am Are you thinking about joining GUMC but would like to know more about the church? Join us during the Sunday school hour to meet our pastors and learn about the beliefs and traditions of the United Methodist Church and get to know GUMC a...
Day of Service
After the GUWF Children’s Consignment Sale, we need all hands on deck to reset the OLEC gym for PRISM worship service. Click Here to select a time slot. Available shifts and duties are listed below: AVAILABLE SHIFTS: 12:30 to 3:30 p.m. ·Pulling out items for donation...
Confirmation Sunday
Sunday, April 6th 5 pm in McVay Gardens If it rains, service will take place in the Chapel
April Brown Bag Lunch Program
Tennessee Shakespeare Company, located in Memphis, is the State’s first and only permanent and professional, not-for-profit theatre and education organization dedicated to live, diverse performances of William Shakespeare’s plays. TOPIC: The Founding of the Tennessee...
Hands-Only CPR Training
Hands-Only CPR will be led by the Germantown Fire Department Learn Life-Saving Skills! Join Our First Aid & CPR Training on Sunday, April 13 at 9:30 am in the Fellowship Hall What you'll learn: Citizen (or "hands-only") CPR is a method of performing CPR without...
Spring Blood Drive
April 13 from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm Hosted by the Health and Wellness Team The Bloodmobile will be parked in the Preschool Parking Lot Appointments recommended, but walk-ins welcome! Appointment link HERE Contact Erica Perkins at [email protected] with any...
Palm Sunday
April 13 Worship with us at 8:30 am or 11:00 am Join us as we recall Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem. In our 11:00am Traditional service, the children will process with palms. Hosanna, Alleluia, and Chancel Choirs will sing.
Holy Week Worship Schedule
April 13-19 12 pm worship followed by a light lunch Tues. April 14 – Germantown UMC Wed. April 15 – Germantown Presbyterian Thurs. April 16 – New Bethel Missionary Baptist Friday, April 17 – St. George’s Episcopal Church
The Shadow of the Cross Holy Thursday Service
April 17 Worship with us at 7:00 pm The Shadow of the Cross is a narrative and musical journey through the final days of Jesus’ life. This service is led by the Testimony Youth Choir, Element Praise Band, and will feature several guest instrumentalists. Join us in the...
Easter Egg Hunt
GUMC Annual Easter Egg Hunt We are super excited about our Easter Egg Hunt this year! Our event will be on SATURDAY, April 19 at McVay Gardens. In order to provide the safest egg hunting conditions for all involved, all families are required to sign up for a time...
GUWF May Luncheon
Tuesday, May 6 | 11:30 am | Mike Wilson Fellowship Hall Speaker: Sarah Sutton, Director of Germantown United Methodist Preschool (GUMP) Sarah has served as the Director of Germantown United Methodist Preschool (affectionately known as GUMP) since August 2014, a...
Youth Summer Dates
June 2-6 - Serve at VBS June 22-28 - Mountain T.O.P. with Collierville United Methodist Church June 30-July 2 - 901 Mission Camp July 20-25 - Lakeshore
True North – Vacation Bible School
True North Vacation Bible School - June 2-6, 2025 Join GUMC Children's Ministry as we learn to trust Jesus in this wild world! Weekday VBS: June 2-6, 2025 From: 9:00 AM – 12:00 noon Cost: $25 per child Registration deadline: May 15, 2025 This epic daytime adventure...
Music & Arts Camp – Week 1 – Let’s Rock!
Music & Arts Camp—Week 1 - June 23-27, 2025 Is your child a budding actor/actress? Does he/she love performing in front of others? This summer, June 23-27, we will host Music & Arts Camp for children who have completed 1st through 5th grades. Children will...
Music & Arts Camp – week 2 – A Play in a Manger
Music & Arts Camp - Week 2 - Christmas in July - A Play in a Manger Is your child a budding actor/actress? Does he/she love performing in front of others? This summer, July 28 - August 1, we will host Music & Arts Camp week 2 for children who have completed...
Elementary Mission Camp – July 7-11, 2025
Elementary Mission Camp - July 7-11, 2025 In this hands-on camp, we will explore three specific types of mission: inner-church mission, urban mission, and rural mission. The idea is that each child will have a chance to experience different types of work, hopefully...
Lakeshore Camp – July 20-26
Lakeshore Camp - July 20-26 Pack your bags and grab your friends for a seriously fun week of worship and games at The Shore. Children as young as 8 years old may attend. GUMC member, Kristen Stonebrook, will be Dean of Camp during week 9 (Elementary Camp 4). If you...
Prism – An Alternative Service
Meets every Sunday at 11 am across
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