GUWF May Luncheon

Tuesday, May 6 | 11:30 am | Mike Wilson Fellowship Hall

Speaker: Sarah Sutton, Director of Germantown United Methodist Preschool (GUMP)

Sarah has served as the Director of Germantown United Methodist Preschool (affectionately known as GUMP) since August 2014, a position to which she brings dedication, compassion, enthusiasm, and joy. An early childhood and daycare ministry of Germantown United Methodist Church, GUMP provides an educational family atmosphere for approximately 140 children aged nine months to five years. Sarah and her staff are committed to the preschool’s mission to “partner with parents to provide a loving, nurturing, and developmentally appropriate environment for children to grow to their fullest potential emotionally, socially, spiritually, physically, creatively, and cognitively.”

Before joining Germantown United Methodist Preschool, Sarah held an administrative role in the Diocese of Memphis. She also served as the Director of Shelby Residential & Vocational Services, Inc., an inclusive preschool now known as SRVS Kids. Sarah is originally from Kansas City, Missouri, and she graduated from the University of Central Missouri with a Bachelor of Science in Special Education, with an emphasis on early childhood special education. In 2022, Sarah completed her master’s degree in management and leadership.

Sarah has been married to her high school sweetheart, Bret, for almost 30 years. They have four children, two boys and two girls. In 2024, they adopted their fourth child, a precious little boy. Her oldest son and his wife blessed their family with an “amazing little red-headed baby boy in July 2023,” and she loves being a “Yaya.”

Sarah shared, “My purpose is to serve God’s children and to help create opportunities for them to reach their fullest potential. It is my honor to serve the Germantown United Methodist Church in the mission of ‘Loving God and loving others, serving Christ and sharing Him, transforming lives and making disciples.’”