Children’s Consignment Sale

APRIL 4 & 5, 2025

GUWF’s Children’s Consignment Sale is a semiannual community outreach event and fundraiser established in 1989 at Germantown United Methodist Church.  Its purpose is to support the mission projects of Germantown United Women in Faith while uniting the church and community through an organized and affordable shopping experience that reflects the love of Christ.  Please contact us with any questions at

Why Should I Consign with you?

There are so many perks of consigning with GUWF Children’s Consignment Sale!

• There is NO Consignor’s Fee!

• You receive 70% of your sales price (the other 30% goes to missions!)

• You get to shop early at our Pre-Sale Event on Thursday at 6:30 pm!

When are my Deadlines?

What can I sell?

Ok I’m in! Where do I Start?

Hooray! Your participation in our sale has a wide ripple effect that touches so many! Whether you are new to our sale or a returning consignor, we are so pleased you chose our sale. Together, we can support missions and ministries that serve at-risk women and children in our community AND abroad!

It may seem overwhelming at first, so we’ve broken down the process into 8 easy-to-follow steps. And don’t forget: should you need us, you can reach us at! We’re here to help!

1. Register as a consignor for our sale. (If you are a RETURNING consignor, skip to STEP 2.)

  • Go to GUWF Children’s Consignment Sale
  • Click on “Join” and fill out the information form/ agree to Terms of Service
  • Click “Create Account” at the bottom of page
  • Check your email for your assigned “Consignor ID” number


2. Log in with your ID number and password that you created.

3. Reserve a Drop-Off time FIRST! You won’t be allowed to “Add Items” until you do so.

  • Click on Drop Off/ Pick Up and choose your preferred time slot.
  • Time slots are in 15-minute intervals and have limited spots. Certain slots can go fast, so be sure to snag your preferred time early!


4. Add Items

  • REMEMBER: the last day to enter items into the system is Tuesday, April 1st @ 11:59 pm.
  • You can only add 10 items at a time, and it is IMPERATIVE that you click “Add Items” after EVERY set of 10 items added so that they save in your account.
  • By clicking “Dis” you are indicating that you want that item to be SOLD AT HALF PRICE if that item hasn’t sold BEFORE our half-price sale on Friday evening/ Saturday morning.
  • By clicking “D” you are indicating that you want to DONATE that item at the end of our sale IF IT DOESN’T SELL.
  • By clicking “A” you are making that item available to sell at our 2025 Spring/Summer sale.
  • By clicking “PC” you will signal the system to print a card for that item (more on printing in step 5!!)

  • If you are a RETURNING consignor and have items from previous sales you would like to reactivate, simply click on “LIST ITEMS” and SEARCH “All Items” in the drop-down bar. If you would like to reactivate something, click the “A” next to that item.

5. Print your Tags

  • Tags MUST be printed on solid white cardstock, and the barcodes MUST be crisp and clean (so check the ink in your printer!) If the barcodes are printing fuzzy, the scanners won’t be able to scan your item, and there is a chance we will not be able to sell it. If you are unsure, send the PDF to Office Depot or another printing center and have them print on card stock for you!
  • Click on “Print Cards” under Consignor
  • Every Item that has “PC” checked next to it will be considered an “Unprinted Card”
  • Click on “Preview Only Unprinted” Cards”

  • Once you reach the “Preview Screen”, you MUST click on PRINT at the top to generate a PDF. If you click “Print” from the Toolbar (or from Right click), the tags won’t be formatted properly.

  • Once your tags are printed, make sure you cut them out carefully so that no important information (barcode/ID/ etc.) is chopped off.

6. Attach your tags. Before you begin, gather your supplies! You’ll need: clear packing tape, SAFETY PINS, hangers, Ziploc bags, zip-ties, and ribbon/string.

    1. Clothing:
    • Ensure that the clothing item is stain-free and wrinkle-free.
    • All tags MUST be attached to clothing items with SAEFTY PINS. NO EXCEPTIONS!
    • Hang the items so the hanger’s hook forms the shape of a question mark as you look at the front of the garment. Like this:

    • USING SAFETY PINS, attach the tag to each garment’s upper right-hand corner. Like this:
    1. Books:
    • Attach tags anywhere on the outside of the book using clear packaging tape.
    • You can bundle books by tying them together using string/ ribbon (make sure they are secured!) OR by putting them together in a clear Ziploc bag (in this case, you can tape the tag to the Ziploc bag).
    1. Shoes:
    • Ensure that the shoes are clean.
    • If the shoes fit inside a ziploc bag, place the shoes inside the bag and tape the tag to the Ziploc bag.
    • If the shoes do NOT fit inside a Ziploc bag, tie the shoes together with ribbon or zipties. You can then pin your tag to the shoes using safety pins.
    1. Everything else:
    • Do your best to attach the tag as securely as possible, while at the same time keeping it as visible as possible.

    7. Drop off your Items

    • Keep to your chosen drop -off time slot so that there will be no delay in assisting you.
    • Bring ALL of your items into the gym foyer before checking in. It may take you several trips, and that’s ok! We will have a few wagons that you are welcome to borrow, but it wouldn’t be a bad idea to bring your own in case ours are already being used.
    • Our volunteers will go through your items to ensure they meet our criteria. Please know we do this to ensure a high-quality sale.
    • Once check in is complete, we will make sure you have your early shopping pass, and our volunteers will put your entire inventory away for you!
    • Don’t forget to come back and shop early on Thursday night at 6:30- consignor perks! Bring a shopping bag and bring a friend!


    8. Pick up any items that didn’t sell/ were donated.

    • The gym at the OLEC (where the sale is held) will be open from 6:30 pm until 8:30 pm. Saturday night for you to retrieve your unsold items.
    • If you have items that did not sell and you did not choose to donate them, they will be grouped together in the gym for you to pick up.
    • If you are not able to pick up your items, you can send someone else to do it for you. Just make sure they know your consignor ID!!
    • ALL unsold items that you have not already donated MUST be picked up on Saturday by 8:30 pm.
    • Unfortunately, WE ARE UNABLE TO HOLD ANY UNCLAIMED ITEMS PAST 8:30 PM ON SATURDAY. All items not picked up will be donated promptly at 8:31 pm to the charities that we support.

    That’s it! You did it! We hope you enjoy our sale and the fellowship that goes along with it. Hopefully, you make a few bucks, snag some great bargains, and become a regular at our sale for years to come. Because without YOU, GUWF wouldn’t be able to support so many missions and ministries! THANK YOU!

    Our sale is run 100% by volunteers—from our committee members to our wonderful helpers during sale week. As an added bonus, volunteers can shop EARLY at our sale!!
    Volunteers who work a minimum of four hours are allowed to shop the night before the sale is open to the public. Times vary depending on the number of hours volunteered, and a pass is required for entry. **Don’t forget…no children or babies at our pre-sale event.**

    Thursday, April 3rd, 2025:
    • 8+ hour volunteers AND Sort-Shift volunteers shop at 5:30 p.m.
    • 4+ hour volunteers shop at 6:00 p.m.
    • Consignors shop at 6:30 p.m.

    Volunteer Sign up Link

    How do I shop?
    Did you know that you can support the many missions of GUWF just by shopping at our Children’s Consignment Sale? 30% of everything sold at our sale goes DIRECTLY to support charities that benefit women, children, and youth!
    Come join us on April 4th and 5th for a Shopping Extravaganza! Don’t forget a Shopping Bag!

    Owings Life Enrichment Center
    At Germantown United Methodist Church
    2323 West Street
    Germantown, TN 38138

    Friday 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
    Friday 5:00 p.m. to 8 p.m.
    Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

    Want to shop earlier? Consider Consigning or Volunteering with us, and you can shop on Thursday, April 3rd!

    Do you want to support our sale but don’t have time to consign? We’ll gladly accept your gently used spring and summer items as donations. 

    When you donate items to our sale, 100% of the sales price goes to the charities we support! 

    Email us at to get the process started!


    One hundred percent of our money raised goes to charities helping women, children, and youth, including:

    • Alturas Ministry – Costa Rica
    • Church Women United
    • Dress for Success Memphis
    • Golden Cross Senior Ministries
    • Hannah’s Hope
    • La Limyé Ministries – Haiti
    • Methodist Healthcare Auxiliary
    • Mid-South Food Bank –Weekend Food Program
    • Miriam Child Development Center at United Methodist Neighborhood Center
    • Project Transformation Memphis
    • Room in the Inn – Memphis
    • United Methodist Neighborhood Centers
    • Urban Ministry Initiative

    In addition, many of our consignors elect to donate unsold items.
    These are given to local charities for immediate use, including:

    • Church Women United
    • Foster Village
    • Golden Cross Senior Ministries
    • Harwood Center
    • La Limyé Ministries
    • Methodist Healthcare Auxiliary
    • Morning Center
    • One by One Ministries
    • Reelfoot Rural Ministries
    • Team Read Program