Christmas Cookie Shoppe

Please put it on your calendar! The GUWF Christmas Cookie Shoppe at Germantown United Methodist Church is an opportunity for church members and friends to purchase festive and beautiful homemade cookies and candies to enjoy or give as gifts during the Christmas holidays. The funds raised will be given to the missions supported by the Germantown United Women in Faith. 

All who attend will receive a bakery box and gloves before walking through the Fellowship Hall, selecting from over one hundred different cookies and candies that are labeled and beautifully displayed. 

After choices are made, the boxes will be weighed and sold for $10.00 per pound. There will be one pre-order day on December 8 to order cookies if you cannot attend the sale. Payment is required at the time of your order. 

To make this a successful and fun event, we need everyone’s help! Between now and December 13, we need volunteers to bake 12 dozen of one kind of cookie (approximately 3-4 batches of this one cookie recipe). Cookies can be frozen if appropriately wrapped. We are so grateful for your hard work in making these beautiful treats, so make sure you pack them carefully! If you cannot bake, but still want to help, donations are appreciated, and there are many volunteer opportunities available. 

Get creative! We want cookies that are made from scratch and out of the ordinary so that we can offer our members, friends, and family incredibly special holiday treats. PLEASE, NO CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES! We will have some available, because everyone loves them, but we could have too many!!! 

Please bring your cookies to the church Fellowship Hall on Friday, December 13, any time before 3 pm. 

For more information and to sign up to make some cookies, you can do one of the following: